

Bene Marton, Szabó Gabriella: Bonded by Interactions: Polarising Factors and Integrative Capacities of the News Media in Hungary. Javnost – The public Vol. 26(3): 309-329. p. IF: 0.860

Bene Márton: Sharing Is Caring! Investigating Viral Posts on Politicians’ Facebook Pages During the 2014 General Election Campaign in Hungary. In: Lilleker, D. et al (Eds): Social media campaigning in Europe. London, Routledge, 2019, 117-137.

Bíró-Nagy András: The Career Paths of Central European MEPs. Political Experience and Career Ambitions in the European Parliament. Romanian Journal of Political Science, 19(1): 88-114. IF:0.382

Böcskei Balázs, Molnár Csaba: The radical right in government? - Jobbik's pledges in Hungary's legislation (2010-2014), East European Politics, 35(1): 1-20. IF: 0.817

Hajnal György, Rosta Miklós: A New Doctrine in the Making? Doctrinal Foundations of Sub-National Governance Reforms in Hungary (2010-2014) Administration and Society.51(3): 404-430 IF: 1.698

Hermann Zoltán, Kopasz Marianna: Educational policies and the gender gap in test scores: a cross-country analysis, Research Papers in Education. 1-22. p. IF: 1.109

Kiss Balázs, Szabó Gabriella: Hungary. In: Milos, Gregor; Otto, Eibl (eds.) Thirty Years of Political Campaigning in Central and Eastern Europe. Palgrave Macmillan.

Körösényi, András: The Theory and Practice of Plebiscitary Leadership: Weber and the Orban regime. East European Politics and Societies 33(2): 280-301. IF: 0,5

Márquez-Ramírez, (….);Szabó Gabriella: Detached or Interventionalist? Comparing the Performance of Watchdog Journalism in Transitional, Advanced and Non-democratic Countires. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRESS / POLITICS 25(1): 53-75. IF: 3.0

Matuszewski Paweł, Szabó Gabriella: Are Echo Chambers Based on Partisanship? Twitter and Political Polarity in Poland and Hungary. Social Media and Society 5(2): 1- 14.

Medve-Bálint Gergő, Vera Šćepanović: ‘EU Funds, State Capacity and the Development of Transnational Industrial Policies in Europe’s Eastern Periphery’. Review of International Political Economy IF: 2,800

Metz Rudolf, Oross Dániel: Strong Personalities’ Impact on Hungarian Party Politics: Viktor Orbán and Gábor Vona. In: Gherghina S (ed.) Party Leaders in Eastern Europe: Personality, Behavior and Consequences. Palgrave Studies in Political Psychology. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019 pp. 145–170.

Norocel, Cristian, Szabó Gabriella: Mapping the discursive opportunities for radical-right populist politics across Eastern Europe. Problems of Post-Communism, 66(1) IF: 1.636

Oross Dániel & Róna Dániel & Szabó Andrea: Who Brings the Political Change? Divergent Understandings of Politics Among Politically Active Students. In: Feischmidt, Margit; Majtényi, Balázs (eds..) The rise of populist nationalism : Social Resentments and Capturing the Constitution in Hungary. CEU Press

Papp Zsófia: Dual candidacy as a source of legislator behaviour. The re-election and the mandate incentive under mixed-member electoral rules. ACTA POLITICA Online First , 23 IF: 1.1

Papp Zsófia: Votes, money can buy. The conditional effect of EU Structural Funds on government MPs’ electoral performance. EUROPEAN UNION POLITICS 20(4): 543-561. IF: 2.6

Sebők Miklós; Boda Zsolt: The Hungarian Comparative Agendas Project In: Frank, R Baumgartner; Christian, Breunig; Emiliano, Grossman (Eds.) Comparative Policy Agendas: Theory, Tools, Data Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2019. P. 11: The Hungarian Agendas Project

Szabó, Gabriella: Book review: Monish Bhatia, Scott Poynting and Waqas Tufail (eds), Media, Crime and Racism. CRIME MEDIA CULTURE: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL 15(3): 549-551. IF: 1.7

Szűcs, Zoltán Gábor: The a-theoretical core of political realism. Studies in Social and Political Thought. 31-43.

Tóth, András, Bartha, Eszter: Why Elite Workers' Attracted by the Radical Right? The Impact of Deeply Ingrained Nationalism and Perceptions of Exploitations. In: Feischmidt, Margit; Majtényi, Balázs (eds.) The rise of populist nationalism : Social Resentments and Capturing the Constitution in Hungary. CEU Press, 2019

Valuch Tibor: Die ungarische Gesellschaft im Wandel. Soziale Veränderungen in Ungarn 1989–2019. Verlag Friedrich Pustet 2019

Wineroither, David, Günter Bischof (eds): Democracy in Austria. Contemporary Austrian Studies. University of New Orleans Press


Bene Márton – Somodi Dániel (2018): „Mintha lenne saját médiánk…“. A kispártok és a közösségi média. Médiakutató, nyár, 7-20. [“Like we had our own outlets.” Small parties and the social media.]

Bene Márton (2018): Bennünk élő politika. A politikai hatékonyságérzetre ható tényezők vizsgálata nemzetközi összehasonlításban. Politikatudományi Szemle, 28(3), 7-31. [Politics within. A study of factors influencing internal political efficacy in international comparison]

Bene Márton – Farkas Xénia (2018): Kövess, reagálj, oszdmeg! A közösségi média a 2018-as országgyűlési választási kampányban. In. Böcskei Balázs – Szabó Andrea (szerk.). Várakozások és valóságok. Parlamenti választás 2018. Budapest: MTA TK PTI, Napvilág Kiadó. pp. 410-437. [Follow, react, share! The social media’s role in the Hungarian parliamentary elections’ campaign, 2018. In. B. Böcskei, & A. Szabó (Eds.) Expectations and realities: Parliamentary Election 2018. Budapest: MTA TK PTI, Napvilág Kiadó. pp. 410-437.]

Bene Márton (2018): Post Shared, Vote Shared: Investigating the Link Between Facebook Performance and Electoral Success During the Hungarian General Election Campaign of 2014. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 95(2), 363-380.

Szabó Gabriella - Ov Cristian Norocel – Bene Márton (2018): Media Visibility and Inclusion of Radical Right Populism in Hungary and Romania. Problems of Post-Communism (online first)

Kiss Balázs: Identity Change in Ninety Minutes: The Emotional Dynamics of Leader-Follower Interactions at a Political Rally. COMUNICAZIONE POLITICA 2018 pp. 117-136. 20 p. (2018) DOI:10.3270/89740

Kiss, Balázs; Szabó, Gabriella: Constructing Political Leadership during the 2015 European migration crisis: The Hungarian Case. CENTRAL EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION 11 : 1 pp. 9-24. , 15 p. (2018)

Szabó, Gabriella:  Médiahálózatok 2018. Az online portálok centruma és perifériái Magyarországon. [Media Networks in 2018. The core and the periphery in the online portals’ sphere in Hungary.]In: Várakozások és valóságok. Parlamenti választás 2018 BUDAPEST : Napvilág Kiadó, MTA TK PTI, (2018) pp. 385-409. , 25 p.


Agnieszka Stepinska, Gabriella Szabó: Continuities and discontinuities: changingpatternsinjournalism and mediainCentral and Eastern Europe. SRODKOWOEUROPEJSKIJE STUDIA POLITICZNE = CENTRAL EUROPEAN POLITICAL STUDIES 2016:(2) pp. 5-13. (2016)

Gabriella Szabó, Nikolett Kormos, Veronika Zagyi: Journalisticrole performance – theHungariancase. SRODKOWOEUROPEJSKIJE STUDIA POLITICZNE = CENTRAL EUROPEAN POLITICAL STUDIES 2016:(2) pp. 53-72. (2016)

Szabó Gabriella, Bene Márton: InteractionNetworks of theHungarian Media. In: Sai Felicia Krishna-Hensel (ed.) Media inProcess.:Transformation and DemocraticTransition. London: Routledge, 2016. pp. 119-140.

Szabó G, Mihályffy Zs, Kiss B (eds.): Kritikus kampány: A 2010-es országgyűlési kampány elemzése.Budapest: L'Harmattan, 2011. 246 p.

Mihályffy Zs, Szabó G (eds.): Árnyékban. A 2009-es európai parlamenti választási kampányok elemzése, Budapest: MTA Politikatudományi Intézet, 2010. 

Mihályffy Zs: Politikai kampánykommunikáció elméletben és gyakorlatban. Budapest: L'Harmattan Kiadó, 2009. 210 p.

Kiss B, Mihályffy Z, Szabó G (eds.): Tükörjáték. A 2006-os országgyűlési kampány elemzése. Budapest: L'Harmattan Kiadó, 2007. 340 p.

Kiss B: Távolabb a médiától! Politikai kampányok Magyarországon 2004-ben. Budapest: L'Harmattan Kiadó, 2006. 246 p.

Boda Zz, Kiss B, Szabó G: Politika az interneten. Budapest: Századvég Kiadó, 2005. 250 p.

Kiss B (ed.): Politikai kommunikáció. Szöveggyűjtemény. Budapest: Rejtjel Kiadó, 2000.